HR Preview Page

Thank you for your support promoting 2022 Benefits Enrollment! Our goal is to ensure that associates fully understand their benefit options, the changes for 2022 and that if they want to enroll or make changes to their benefits, they must do so during the benefits enrollment period October 27─November 17.

Your Role

Please take a moment to review these communications. Do not share these communications with associates until all benefits enrollment materials have been delivered to associates' home address in October.

2022 Aetna Provider Search

To see if a medical, dental, behavioral health and other providers are in the Aetna network, click here. Users will be prompted to select a plan name. The plan names will include the medical plans below:

Click here for instructions on Aetna’s network search tool.

Preview of Communications

2022 Enrollment Mailer

Mailer sent to associates’  homes late in the week of October 11.

Download  chevron_down

Benefits Enrollment Poster

Enrollment Posters to post at work locations beginning October 11.

Download  chevron_down

Benefits Enrollment Flyer

Enrollment Flyers to distribute at work locations beginning October 11.

Associate Benefits Presentation

Use this presentation to inform associates about the upcoming 2022 changes.

TV Monitor Ads

Sent to Corporate Communications to be displayed on TV monitors.

Monitor Ad #1 should be displayed from Oct 27—Nov 10

Monitor Ad #2 should be displayed from Nov 11—Nov 17

FAQs and Talking Points