Annual Benefits Enrollment: October 28─November 15, 2024

Thank you for your support in promoting 2025 Annual Benefits Enrollment! Our goal is to ensure that colleagues fully understand their benefit options and the changes for 2025.

Most current benefits elections will carry forward to 2025. Elections are final on November 15 at 11:59 p.m. CT. There are no exceptions. Colleagues need to actively enroll if they want to:

  • Enroll for the first time.
  • Make changes to their current benefit plans and/or add dependents.
  • Elect a Health Savings Account (HSA) or Flexible Spending Account (FSA) contribution amount for 2025.

The benefits colleagues elect are effective January 1, 2025.

Overview of the 2025 Changes
  • Dental rates will increase by an average of $8 to $10 a month, and medical rates will increase by an average of $30 to $40 a month. Actual costs will vary based on the medical and dental plan elected and the rate tier. There will be a small decrease in monthly vision rates for 2025.
  • Rate tiers are being replaced with wage bands.
  • There are no changes to major carriers, deductibles, out-of-pocket maximums, copays, and coinsurance.

The mailer is posted below including translations into Spanish, French, Pashto, Karen, and Dari. Colleagues will receive it beginning October 14 (mailed to homes in English only). It contains the full details of the changes for 2025.

Your Call to Action

You are critical in the success of Annual Benefits Enrollment. Do not share communications with colleagues before October 14. Here is how you can help:

  • Review the materials posted below to prepare to support colleagues.
  • Ensure colleagues are aware of the key deadlines, changes, and resources on this site by using the materials provided.
  • Play the 2025 Annual Benefits Enrollment video for colleagues.
  • Print and hang the poster, post the screen ads, and print and hand the flyer to colleagues.


The colleague mailer and the flyer are translated into Spanish, French, Pashto, Karen, and Dari and are posted below. The mailer was sent to homes in English only.

Action Required: Dependent Verification Audit October 28 to November 22

  • Colleagues hired before September 1, 2023 who enroll dependents in medical and dental coverage, or colleagues rehired after September 1, 2023 who enroll dependents in medical and dental coverage, will need to provide dependent verification documentation from October 28 to November 22, 2024, through the Total Rewards Café.
  • If proper documentation is not provided during this time frame, dependents will not have coverage on January 1, 2025.
  • No exceptions will be made to the November 22 deadline.

Colleagues received a postcard informing them of the audit and will receive reminders throughout Annual Benefits Enrollment.

Personal Email Address Campaign

In preparation for Annual Benefits Enrollment, we are encouraging all colleagues to add a personal email address to their Workday profile. This effort will ensure colleagues receive time-sensitive benefits and coverage information in the event they are on a leave or do not have a Sysco email address.

Please note this information may be shared with our benefits vendors, but colleagues can select their preferred contact method during the annual enrollment process.

Your Call to Action
  1. Read these FAQs.
  2. Print and post the digital screen ad and poster linked at the bottom of this page. Also distribute the flyer linked below. It has instructions for colleagues on how to log in to Workday and add a personal email address to their Workday profile.
  3. When onboarding new colleagues, encourage them to immediately add a personal email address in Workday. This should be an ongoing part of onboarding.
  4. Encourage managers and supervisors to use existing meetings or huddles to remind colleagues to add a personal email address in Workday. You can provide them with the flyer attached below.
  5. Direct colleagues, managers, and supervisors to the FAQs if they have questions.

Aetna HR Partner Phone Line

Sysco HR partners can contact the Aetna HR Partner Phone Line at 1-800-859-8468 from 8 a.m.–5 p.m. CT. For those non-urgent questions, send an email to There is a 24-hour turnaround time for responses.  

This phone number and email address are only to be used by Sysco HR Partners, not colleagues. Colleagues should continue to use the contact numbers on their ID card or call the Sysco Benefits Center at 1-800-55-SYSCO (1-800-557-9726), Monday–Friday, 7 a.m.–7 p.m. CT.  

For benefits questions outside of Aetna/CVS-related matters or for Aetna/CVS-related matters in need of Sysco Benefits Team review, please continue to use

Summaries of Benefits and Coverage (SBCs)

Colleagues can find their SBCs and other legal notices here.

Colleague Enrollment Resources

Ask Emma

Ask Emma is our new interactive decision support tool! Emma guides colleagues through the benefits enrollment process by asking a few simple questions. Based on a colleague’s responses, she’ll suggest plans that fit each individual’s needs, taking the guesswork out of benefits shopping. Colleagues can enable the Ask Emma tool at any time when they enroll in the Total Rewards Café.

bswift Mobile App

All colleagues should download the bswift Mobile app. In the app colleagues can:

  • View plan details
  • Navigate to the Total Rewards Café
  • Check coverages and beneficiary information
  • Upload new dependent verification documents
  • Link to carrier websites
  • Find provider contact information

Colleagues can add the app to their Apple or Android device. They will simply enter the company code syscobenefits and follow the on-screen instructions.

Aetna Provider Search

Encourage colleagues to see if their medical, dental, behavioral health, and other providers are in the Aetna network. Click here to access the look up tool. Users will be prompted to select a plan name. The plan names are:

Preview of Communications

Annual Benefits Enrollment Mailer

Sent to colleagues homes the week of October 14.

Annual Benefits Enrollment Flyer

Print and handout to colleagues beginning October 14.

Annual Benefits Enrollment Poster

Hang at your location beginning October 14.

Colleague Annual Enrollment Benefits Recorded Meeting

Use this presentation to inform colleagues about their Sysco Benefits.

TV Monitor Ads

Display on your TV Monitor

Monitor Ad #1 should be displayed from Oct. 28–Nov. 7

Monitor Ad #2 should be displayed from Nov. 8–Nov. 15

HR Briefing Recording and Slides

Watch a recording of the Briefings or review the slides.

Email Capture Poster

Print and hang this poster at your location beginning Aug. 12.


Email Capture Campaign Flyer

Distribute to current employees and new hires beginning Aug. 12.


Email Capture Campaign TV Monitor Ad

Post at your location beginning Aug. 12.

Total Rewards Café Login Instructions
